Board Meeting Minutes - November

Board of Directors Meeting

Downtown Chattanooga Alliance

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Time: 2:00-3:05 p.m.

Location: By Zoom

1. Call to Order

Steve Hunt, Chair of the DCA, called the meeting to order. Board members attending were Kelly Fitzgerald, Adam Kinsey, Kevin Love, Lisa Marangano, Matt McGauley, Tom Marshall, Donald O’Connor, Charles Perry, Gordon Stalans, Raquetta Dotley and Darrin Ledford.

Not attending were Pierre Dabit, Darian Scott, and Robin Smith.

Also attending were Steve Brookes, Executive Director of the DCA, and Kelly Allen of Q Strategies.

S. Hunt welcomed our new Board member, Councilman Darrin Ledford.

The Executive Committee minutes of November 10, 2021 and the DCA Board minutes of September 15, 2021 were approved.

Old Business

(1) There was a brief discussion of the presentation of the DCA budget to the City Council at its October meeting. The discussion also addressed the issue of requests for waivers from non-profits. A point made was that earlier engagement in the consideration process is desirable. A second point was made that the DCA is legally bound to follow the ordinances which define its existence and operations.

A memorandum of understanding between the DCA and the YMCA, which will address common issues (including the unhoused and unsupervised youths in the 1st and Market Streets area) is underway.                                               

(2) K. Fitzgerald will put forward a list of nominations for the Board and the Executive Committee at the December annual meeting. 

New Business 

(1) The renovation of the John Ross building, which may bring approximately 400 employees downtown, was discussed. It is understood that the owners of the building do not intend to request an assessment waiver from the DCA. 

Finance Committee Update

For the Finance Committee, G. Stalans reported that as of 9 November  DCA current assets were approximately $363,000; reserve accounts $230,000; total assets $666,000. 

A deficit for the year is anticipated, but has been planned for. 

Stalans covered the following points:

(1)  The audit is complete and has been sent to Board members and the City of Chattanooga.

(2) A revision of the application for reduced or waived assessments is underway. The application will be on line.

Executive Director Update

S. Brookes reported the following:

(1) The firms of O’Shaughnessy and Carter and Miller & Martin continue to work on 2019 delinquent collections.

(2) The RCP for a landscaping plan has been issued, but no final result has yet been reached. 

(3) Events in the district are up, but this is not the case with office workers. There was an uptick in hospitality requests in October.

(4) Work with the unhoused, including donations of clothing (which has been supervised by DCA ambassdors, continues.

(5) The annual general meeting is scheduled for December 15.

The meeting adjourned at 3:05.