Board Meeting Minutes - December

Downtown Chattanooga Alliance

Board of Directors Meeting

December 13, 2023 - 2:00pm

Location: 715 Market St, 2nd Floor Conference Room



Call to Order

Kelly Fitzgerald, Chair of the DCA, called the meeting to order. DCA Board Members attending were Keeli Crewe, Councilman Darin Ledford, Susan Harris, Adam Kinsey, John Clark, Donald O’Connor and Gordon Stalans. Also, in attendance was DCA Executive Director, Steve Brookes and Kelly Allen with Q Strategies.


Not attending were Todd Philips, Brandy Burgans, Councilwoman Dotley, Rep. Greg Martin and Tom Marshall and Kevin Love.


1.     Approval of Minutes


The DCA Board of Directors approved the October 18th, 2023 Board Meeting Minutes. The November 8th, 2023 Executive Committee Minutes could not be approved due to Todd Philips not being in attendance.


2.     Finance Committee Update


Gordon gave an update on the DCA finances. Tax bills were sent out, so October financials shows the assessment as a receivable.


Kelly Fitzgerald asked about status of outstanding assessments from 2021. Steve let the Board know that there are only a handful remaining and they are all under $1,000. Susan asked about mid-year billings and Gordon thought that they would be billed as start of the year, rather than during the year.


3.     Election of New Officers


Kelly and Steve thanked Donald O’Connor for his involvement on the Board from its inception.


Kelly presented the new Board Members of resident Sean O’Brien and Commercial Tenant Evann Freeman of EPB. The Board voted unanimously to approve the new members.


Kelly presented the executive slate of Todd Philips, Chair, Susan Harris, Vice Chair, Gordon Stalans and Treasurer and Adam Kinsey as Secretary. The Board voted unanimously to approve the new members.


4.     Q Strategies


The Board voted unanimously to approve a six-month extension for the Q Strategies contract, which gets the contract in line with the DCA Fiscal Budget.


5.     Executive Director Update


Steve gave a quick update of the District, with the main concern and opportunity continuing to be public safety.


Public Comments


Meeting Adjourned

Baylee Nelson