Board Meeting Minutes - February

Board of Directors Meeting

Downtown Chattanooga Alliance

Wednesday, February 15, 2023


Time:               2:00-3:00 p.m. 

Location:          TN IMAX Theatre, 201 Chestnut St, 2nd Floor Board Room, Chattanooga, TN 37402


1.     Call to Order and Introductions

Kelly Fitzgerald, Chair of the DCA, called the meeting to order. Board members attending were Keeli Crewe, Shannon Johnson, Adam Kinsey, Lisa Maragnano, Donald O’Connor, Susan Harris, John Clark, Todd Phillips and Councilman Darrin Ledford.


Not attending were Kevin Love, Tom Marshall, Councilwoman Dotley, Gordon Stalans and Representative Martin.


The following minutes were approved:  Board minutes, October 19th, 2022; Executive Committee minutes, February 8, 2023.


New board members, Susan Harris, John Clark and Shanon Johnson were introduced.


2.     Finance Committee Update


John Clark and Todd Phillips volunteered to serve on the Finance Committee.


3.     DCA Strategic Plan


Steve spoke on the consistency of services and schedules and working on increasing communication to businesses and property owners of the district. Adam talked about prioritization of the action items in the strategic plan and next steps. Board engagement for new and existing committees and recruiting non-board members to be involved will be a focus.


4.     Q Strategies Contract


Q Strategies contract is up for their last one-year renewal. Keeli Crewe asked for more metric on Q’s work on social media and emails. Keeli volunteered to be on the marketing and communications committee.


The board voted to approve the one year renewal option.


5.     Conflict of Interest Policy


Kelly Fitzgerald went over the Conflict of Interest Policy and asked for all board members to review and sign.


6.     Executive Director Update


Steve went over the attached DCA update summary. There was discussion about the camera system and educating the business and property owners of the district of what is available.

Baylee Nelson