Board Meeting Minutes - April

Downtown Chattanooga Alliance

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

April 19, 2023 - 2:00pm – 3:00pm

Location: TN Aquarium IMAX 3D Theater

2nd Floor Conference Room

201 Chestnut St, Chattanooga TN 37402



1.     Call to Order and Introductions

Kelly Fitzgerald, Chair of the DCA, called the meeting to order. Board members attending were Keeli Crewe, Adam Kinsey, Donald O’Connor, Susan Harris, John Clark, Tom Marshall and Councilman Darrin Ledford.


Attending via phone or Zoom were Kelly Fitzgerald, Todd Phillips and Kevin Love.


Guests attending were Kelly Allen and Dawn Hjelseth.


Not attending were Councilwoman Dotley, Gordon Stalans and Representative Martin.


The following minutes were approved: Board of Director Meeting – February 15th, 2023


2.     Block by Block Presentation and Contract Discussion


Regional Vice President, Anthony Boone & Operations Manager, Randi Haynes, of Block by Block gave a presentation of services that Block by Block cover for the Downtown Chattanooga Alliance. The presentation included key metrics that Block by Block has achieved during the past year.


Kelly Crewe and Donald O’Connor asked about comparable cities and staffing levels related to Chattanooga. Anthony spoke about promoting from within and their leadership development program. Both their President and Vice President came from within as an ambassador and security guard.


Anthony and Randi left so the Board could discuss Block by Block contract extension.


Kelly stated that the executive committee recommends moving forward with the one year contract extension. She also spoke of the quality of hires and the leadership of Randi is outstanding. Steve recommended putting out an RFP next year for the services.


Donald O’Connor made a motion to approve with John Clark seconding. All voted in favor for the one-year contract extension.


3.     Amendment to DCA Bylaw (Article 14.1) – Fiscal Year


The date of the proposed bylaw was changed from April 20th to April 19th to reflect the correct date of the meeting. Darin made a motion to approve with Donald O’Connor seconding. All voted in favor for the Bylaw.


4.     Strategic Plan Committee Discussion


Steve Brooked spoke on the committees from the Strategic Plan and that committee members may be future board members. Kelly mentioned that the committees offer an opportunity to assist Steve and get more involvement from the Board.


Donald O’Connor suggested a committee be setup for the RFP process previously mentioned for the Block by Block services and would like to see that start this Summer.


5.     Finance Committee Update


In Gordon’s absence, Kelly went over financials. Steve is still receiving assessments. Todd updated the Board on the two requests for waivers, the YMCA and United Way. A full waiver is recommended for United Way and a 90/10 split for the YMAC, with continued conversations on the parking lot.


Donald O’Connor made a motion to approve with Darin Ledford seconding. All voted in favor.


John would like to see a forecast of dues based on future development projects.


6.     Nominating Committee Update


Adam informed the Board that due to personal reasons, Shannon Johnson has closed his restaurant and has resigned as a member of the Board. Adam nominated Brandi Burgans, whom is an engaged member of the community and is an owner of Mellow Mushroom.


John Clark made a motion to approve with Susan Johnson seconding. All voted in favor for Brandy to join the Board.


7.     Executive Director Update


Steve updated the Board on his latest efforts, which include the installation of large pots along 4th Street with the assistance of State Rep. Greg Martin, Barn Nursery and Collins Landscaping. It will be a great welcoming to the district from the Interestate.


8.     Public Comments


Dawn Hjelseth, with River City Company, gave a summary of the Rock the Riverfront event. They roughly had 35,000 people over the four week period.


Meeting Adjourned

Baylee Nelson