Board Meeting Minutes - June

Downtown Chattanooga Alliance

Board of Directors Meeting

June 21, 2023 - 2:02pm – 3:07pm

Location: TN Aquarium IMAX 3D Theater

2nd Floor Conference Room

201 Chestnut St, Chattanooga TN 37402


1.     Call to Order


Todd Philips, Vice Chair of the DCA, called the meeting to order. Board members attending were Brandy, Donald O’Connor, Susan Harris, Gordon Stalans, Tom Marshall and Councilman Darrin Ledford and Adam Kinsey.


Guests attending were Kelly Allen and Dawn Hjelseth.


The following minutes were approved: Board of Director Meeting – April 19th, 2023


2.     Carta Breezeway Pilot Program


Adam updated the Board on the status of the pilot program. The DCA has the opportunity to manage the breezeway at the CARTA North Garage through Labor Day, with the focus on visitor experience to the district and safety. This is an estimated cost of $35,000 that will need to be raised outside of the DCA budget and is in partnership with the City and CARTA.


Todd Philips wanted to make sure lighting would be addressed and raised the possibility of marketing and signage to offset costs. Todd also asked if this is just the breezeway or how does this affect the rest of the garage and its condition. Steve clarified that the entire garage is not in current scope but ambassadors will take feedback from guests and relay issues to CARTA.


Brandy noted that the addition of a camera is great for both guests and employees.


Donald O’Connor made a motion to approve with Adam Kinsey seconding. All voted in favor for the pilot program to begin Friday, June 23rd.


3.     3000 Bar


A new bar, Bar 3000, has announced that they are coming to 409 Market Street. Councilwoman Dotley is supportive of helping of any issues that may arise.


4.     Strategic Plan Committee Reports – Please see attached reports.

a.     Public Safety Committee – Brandy Burgans & Steve Brookes


Brandy is installing additional lights and cameras in front of Mellow Mushroom and will have CPD assess the area afterwards.


Donald mentioned the importance of not having valuables in vehicles and most car break-ins are due to items being visible.


b.     Visitor Experience – Susan Harris


Susan noted that one of the biggest opportunities is guest feedback on the DCA so we need to think about the questions that should be asked.


Donald would like to be added to this committee.


c.      Communications Committee – Kevin Love & Keeli Crewe


Kelly Allen gave an update in absence of Kevin and Kelli. The committee is working with River City Company on opportunities to promote the district through their marketing channels.


Donald would like to be added to this committee.


5.     Finance Committee Update – Treasurer, Downtown Chattanooga Alliance – Gordon Stalans


Gordon updated the board on financials and the audit process. The DCA currently has a healthy cash balance, but we still have accounts receivable to be collected. The DCA is in good shape on budget for Year to Date.


The State audit had a few issues so the next annual audit will be corrected.


DCA funds are being spread across multiple banks so that all funds are FDIC insured.


Executive Director Update – Executive Director, Downtown Chattanooga Alliance – Steve Brookes


Steve gave a quick update on a few items of focus.


There has been very good feedback on the hanging planters along 4th Street.


Steve reminded the Board that the DCA is here to also help facilitate communication between the City and business owners.


Steve has started a small outreach team to focus on helping people get housing or medial and drug or alcohol recover assistance.


Meeting Adjourned



Baylee Nelson